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Lot №61783 Return to the list of lots

The Photo Album was a gift to the senior foreman of the Guild of Bricklayers of Riga City Vilhelm Donberg on March 13, 1902. It was presented for 50th Anniversary of his tenure as a Head of the Guild. The cover page of the album has an image of the coat of arms of the Riga Guild of Bricklayers. The first sheet with a photo has a floral frame with depicted the coat of arms and views of Riga, which was hand painted with watercolors. Vilhelm Donberg in his work's costume is depicted in the stained glass of the Small Guild building, 1902, Riga, 41 х 34.5 х 10.5 cm, silver cover plates: 84 hallmark, Riga silversmith EB (hallmark N3299a, page 240, М.М.Постникова-Лосева, «Золотое и серебряное дело XV-XXв», М.1995)

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author: альбом для фотографий
title: подарен Старшему мастеру Гильдии Каменщиков города Риги Вильгельму Донбергу к 50-и летнему юбилею его пребывания в должности Главы Гильдии, 13 марта 1902 года. На обложке герб Рижской Гильдии Каменщиков. Первый лист с фотографией имеет флоральную рамку с гербом Гильдии и видами Риги, выполненную вручную акварелью. Вильгельм Донберг в рабочей одежде изображен на витраже в здании рижской Малой гильдии
year of impression: 1902
City: Riga
text block size: 41 х 34.5 х 10.5
additional information: The Photo Album was a gift to the senior foreman of the Guild of Bricklayers of Riga City Vilhelm Donberg on March 13, 1902. It was presented for 50th Anniversary of his tenure as a Head of the Guild. The cover page of the album has an image of the coat of arms of the Riga Guild of Bricklayers. The first sheet with a photo has a floral frame with depicted the coat of arms and views of Riga, which was hand painted with watercolors. Vilhelm Donberg in his work's costume is depicted in the stained glass of the Small Guild building. Silver cover plates: 84 hallmark, Riga silversmith EB (hallmark N3299a, page 240, М.М.Постникова-Лосева, «Золотое и серебряное дело XV-XXв», М.1995)
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